Adobe Premiere Export Error

Adobe Premiere Export Error

I’m assuming you have a legit copy of Premiere Pro obtained through Creative Cloud. If not, there's your problem. Premiere Pro’s Export function used to work a little differently from Media Encoder, but I’m pretty sure Export and Media Encoder jus. Paul is the main presenter of the award-winning Switched On Network YouTube Channel, which covers a variety of interesting topics usually relating to his love of technology and all things geeky. He also founded and runs Innobella Media, where he leads in all aspects of video production, video editing, sound & lighting. This is a basic tutorial about Adobe Premiere, professional video editing software. However, if still run into any other issues regarding with upgrading to Premiere Pro CC 2017, or you want to post, discuss the way to import and export video in Premiere?

Posted by2 years ago

Hey guys, this is my first time posting here. Today I spent about 3 hours color correcting my footage and I applied a LUT within the color tab in Premiere Pro. When I export my footage out of Premiere I noticed that none of my color correction was applied to the final exported video. Does anyone know how to solve this? I noticed this has been a problem since 2015 but I could not find a solution via Google. Please help.

Adobe Premiere Export Error 2

Specs of my computer: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015) AMD Radeon R9 M395 2048 MB 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3 Sierra 10.12.4

Adobe Premiere Export Error Compiling Movie