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How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

Allen Downey and Chris Mayfield


Java Programming Language Book Pdf

Download Think Java in PDF.

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Read Think Java online, or read this interactive version provided by Trinket.

The draft second edition is available here.

The supporting code for this book is in this GitHub repository.

Best Free Java Ebooks

Think Java is an introduction to computer science and programming intended for people with little or no experience. We start with the most basic concepts and are careful to define all terms when they are first used. The book presents each new idea in a logical progression. Larger topics, like recursion and object-oriented programming, are divided into smaller examples and introduced over the course of several chapters.

This book is also intended for students preparing for the AP Computer Science A Exam. Here is a PDF document with the Topic Outline for the exam and the corresponding sections of Think Java. Here are the guiding principles that make the book the way it is: Download feeding frenzy pc.

Free Java Ebook

  1. One concept at a time. We break down topics that give beginners trouble into a series of small steps, so that they can exercise each new concept in isolation before continuing.
  2. Balance of Java and concepts. The book is not primarily about Java; it uses code examples to demonstrate computer science. Most chapters start with language features and end with concepts.
  3. Conciseness. An important goal of the book is to be small enough so that students can read and understand the entire text in a one-semester college or AP course.
  4. Emphasis on vocabulary. We try to introduce the minimum number of terms and define them carefully when they are first used. We also organize them in glossaries at the end of each chapter.
  5. Program development. There are many strategies for writing programs, including bottom-up, top-down, and others. We demonstrate multiple program development techniques, allowing readers to choose methods that work best for them.
  6. Multiple learning curves. To write a program, you have to understand the algorithm, know the programming language, and be able to debug errors. We discuss these and other aspects throughout the book, and include an appendix that summarizes our advice.

Think Java is a free textbook available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License . Readers are free to copy and distribute the text; they are also free to modify it, which allows them to adapt the book to different needs, and to help develop new material. The LaTeX source for this book is in this repository.

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JSP - Java Server Pages , Second Edition

Publisher : O'Reilly - By Hans Bergsten

JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology provides an easy way to create dynamic web pages. JSP uses a component-based approach that allows web developers to easily combine static HTML for look-and-feel with Java components for dynamic features. The simplicity of this component-based model, combined with the cross-platform power of Java, allows a web development environment with enormous potential.

JavaServer Pages shows how to develop Java-based web applications without having to be a hardcore programmer. The author provides an overview of JSP concepts and discusses how JSP fits into the larger picture of web applications. Web page authors will benefit from the chapters on generating dynamic content, handling session information, accessing databases, authenticating users, and personalizing content. In the programming-oriented chapters, Java programmers learn how to create Java components and custom JSP tags for web authors to use in JSP pages.

Table of Content

Part I: JSP Application Basics

Chapter 1: Introducing JavaServer Pages Chapter 2: HTTP and Servlet Basics Chapter 3: JSP Overview
Chapter 4: Setting Up the JSP Environment

Part II: JSP Application Development

Chapter 5: Generating Dynamic Content Chapter 6: Using Scripting Elements Chapter 7: Error Handling and Debugging
Chapter 8: Sharing Data Between JSP Pages, Requests, and Users Chapter 9: Database Access Chapter 10: Authentication and Personalization
Chapter 11: Internationalization Chapter 12: Bits and Pieces

Part III: JSP in J2EE and JSP Component Development

Chapter 13: Web Application Models Chapter 14: Combining Servlets and JSP Chapter 15: Developing JavaBeans for JSP
Chapter 16: Developing JSP Custom Actions Chapter 17: Developing Database Access Components

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Learn Java Free Ebook

Java Performance Tuning

Publisher : O'Reilly - By Jack Shirazi

Java Peformance Tuning, 2nd edition provides a comprehensive and indispensable guide to eliminating all types of performance problems. Using many real-life examples to work through the tuning process in detail, JPT shows how tricks such as minimizing object creation and replacing strings with arrays can really pay off in improving your code's performance. Tuning J2EE applications bears many similarities to tuning J2SE apps, but important and specific considerations apply. For this reason, Java Performance Tuning, Second Edition includes four new chapters: a new chapter on J2EE application tuning in general followed by chapters on tuning JDBC, servlets and JSPs, and EJBs.

Table of Content

Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Profiling ToolsChapter 3: Underlying JDK Improvements
Chapter 4: Object CreationChapter 5: StringsChapter 6: Exceptions, Assertions, Casts, and Variables
Chapter 7: Loops, Switches, and RecursionChapter 8: I/O, Logging, and Console OutputChapter 9: Sorting
Chapter 10: ThreadingChapter 11: Appropriate Data Structures and AlgorithmsChapter 12: Distributed Computing
Chapter 13: When to OptimizeChapter 14: Underlying Operating System and Network ImprovementsChapter 15: J2EE Performance Tuning
Chapter 16: Tuning JDBCChapter 17: Tuning Servlets and JSPsChapter 18: Tuning EJBs
Chapter 19: Further Resources

Free Java Ebook

Java Swing

Publisher : O'Reilly By Robert Eckstein, Marc Loy, Dave Wood

The Swing classes eliminate Java's biggest weakness: its relatively primitive user interface toolkit. Java Swing helps you to take full advantage of the Swing classes, providing detailed descriptions of every class and interface in the key Swing packages. It shows you how to use all of the new components, allowing you to build state-of-the-art user interfaces and giving you the context you need to understand what you're doing. It's more than documentation; Java Swing helps you develop code quickly and effectively.

Table of Content

Chapter 1. Introducing Swing Chapter 2. Jump Starting a Swing Application Chapter 3. Swing Component Basics
Chapter 4. Labels and Icons Chapter 5. ButtonsChapter 6. Bounded Range Components
Chapter 7. Lists and Combo BoxesChapter 8. Swing Containers Chapter 9. Internal Frames
Chapter 10. Swing DialogsChapter 11. Specialty Panes and Layout ManagersChapter 12. Chooser Dialogs
Chapter 13. BordersChapter 14. Menus and ToolbarsChapter 15. Tables
Chapter 16. Advanced Table Examples Chapter 17. TreesChapter 18. Undo
Chapter 19. Text 101Chapter 20. Document Model and Events Chapter 21. Styled Documents and JTextPane
Chapter 22. Carets, Highlighters, and KeymapsChapter 23. Text Views Chapter 24. EditorKits and TextActions
Chapter 25. Programming with AccessibilityChapter 26. Look & Feel Chapter 27. Swing Utilities
Chapter 28. Swing Under the Hood

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